Thought Leader | Futurist | Queen of NVivo | Author | Research Strategist | Executive Producer | Innovator

Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen OAM is a Thought Leader, Author, Speaker, Executive Producer and Media Personality. She was awarded her Order of Australia Medal in 2020 for her contributions to information technology, and to women. Having created and led the NGO Tech Girls Movement Foundation for a decade, based on 20+ years of research on the lack of women in STEM, she knows how to build community. She was honoured as one of the 100 Women of Influence for her role modelling to tens of thousands of students; engaging 15 000+ schoolgirls hands on in STEM entrepreneurship, and chaperoning 45 Techgirls to pitch their apps to the world's biggest tech companies over 4 years in Silicon Valley in 2015-2019. Jenine now creates community through Research Central, her online community of practice helping doctoral students fast track their research. She shares her expertise in qualitative research, having collaborated for decades with universities, governments and industry and as an active, highly published honorary academic at prestigious universities.

Jenine is touted as the Queen of NVivo, being one of the world's most experienced users and trainers of the software. Her experience makes her Australia's most sought after independent qualitative researcher, turning research into action. She brings her unique approach to research as the lead author of the forthcoming Book: Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo 4th edition published by SAGE Publications in the UK. Academically, she has published 70+ internationally peer reviewed journal articles and her most cited academic paper describes her experience conducting Systematic literature reviews in NVivo. Jenine is the creator, author, self-publisher and distributor of three books for young people: Tech Girls Are Superheroes 1 & 2 and Tech Girls Are Chic, found in every one of the 10K+ schools across Australia. They have been read and enjoyed by more than half a million readers. Over a decade at TechGirls, Jenine raised more than $2million for her outreach efforts.

Working with the world's largest companies incl. Google, AWS, Accenture, Xero, Ebay, and Salesforce, Jenine brings energy to every room she is in. She cares about the people she works with, mentoring researchers in her orbit, "It [Research Central] has been a lifeline, Jenine has given me the confidence to do my research", "Jenine's advice is a breath of fresh air", "Thanks for the work on our data - it is so helpful, and we’re beyond grateful", and, "You were an amazing help during my PHD".

Stay tuned for the next BIG project, the Future Fixers!